
发布时间:2022-01-14 14:08作者:本站编辑来源:本站原创 浏览次数:

International Students’ Second Academic Salon for 2021 Grade

held by the Faculty of Education



The second academic salon for international students of 2021 grade took place on January 12, 2022, and reflected one of the numerous activities that are regularly held by the of Faculty of Education, SWU. Such academic activities are essential and complementary to academic courses provided, on the one hand, professors to get an idea about students’ progress and learning process, and on the other hand, permit students to make oral presentations and get inspiration, advice and recommendations from experienced scholars. The Head Teacher of Grade 2021 Dr. Zhou Ling led this academic salon and Professors Xu Hui and Xu Xuefu guided the students through giving them insightful feedbacks about their presentations and performance during the first semester as well as suggestions for a better management and fulfillment of their future studies.


Agenda of the Salon

Five first year PhD students performed wonderful presentations about their majors, learning gains during the first semester, research interests, and future study plans, and each student received enlightening suggestions from professors.

The first presenter was Cedric Mpaso from Malawi, a PhD Student in Curriculum and Instruction who showed his interest in Curriculum and STEM education.

The second presentation was given by Okafor Miracle Uzochukwu, from Nigeria,who presented his interest in professional development and enhancing teaching quality of local Chinese language teachers in his country.

The following presenter was Bouchra El Oraiby from Morocco, who expressed her interest in motivational teaching methods and educational leadership for school improvement.

The fourth presenter was Sonagnon Romuald Dossou from Benin, who highlighted his interest in instructional supervision and teachers’ performance.

The last presentation was provided by Muhammad Junaid, from Pakistan, who emphasized his interest in topics such as leadership competencies and participatory decision-making effects on teachers’ retention, as well as motivational factors and the effects of applying L2 motivational self with students.

Concerning suggestions provided by professors, among the main recommendations are the focus on studies and courses and more importantly on reading academic articles and books to build a solid background. Professors also highlighted the importance of learning practically and not only theoretically, through writing articles. Moreover, professors made suggestions about the choice of topics’ titles, advising students to make them clearer for the audience, narrow down the topic to one aspect and make research topics more meaningful and practical, through considering more specific and relevant issues, or relating variables in the study.


At the end of this fruitful academic salon, professors were satisfied with students’ hard work, performances and interesting presentations. Online learning did not hinder the success of this activity since most students could present without difficulty and backup videos were recorded in advance in case of network issues. Students were also pleased to get illuminating feedback and guidance from professors. Such an academic activity represents a great opportunity for students to improve their understanding about their major fields and research interests, as well as develop their communication and critical thinking skills.

撰稿:Bouchra El Oraiby, 郝祥娟




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