
发布时间:2022-01-17 21:14作者:本站编辑来源:本站原创 浏览次数:

The 5th International Students Academic Forum Held by the Faculty of Education of SWU


为推动留学生的学术发展、提升留学生教育的培养质量,2022年1月11日下午15:00,BET体育365投注官网在田家炳教育书院504会议室举办了第五届留学生学术论坛。BET体育365投注官网副部长罗生全教授,全英文教研室王雪主任,胡燕娟副教授,唐颖副教授,钟婉娟副教授,留学生2020级班主任李雪垠老师、2018和2021级班主任周玲老师和在校留学生出席论坛。其他在国外的留学生通过钉钉直播在线参与了活动。本次论坛由王雪主任主持,Sabika Khalid、Gift Muyunda、Endale Tadesse 、Michael Agyemang Adarkwah、Yohana Kifle Mekonen、Khalida Parveen等6位留学生分别做了学术汇报,主题覆盖了高等教育、教师发展、校长领导力、汉语教学等。以汇报为依托,与会师生就学术论文选题、写作、发表等开展了积极的对话交流。留学生从高年级同学和老师那里获得了精彩的体验和建设性的反馈。有留学生表示,汇报的同学为他们作出了很好的示范。他们非常感谢BET体育365投注官网安排的本次活动。

In order to improve the academic development of international students and to enhance the quality of postgraduate programs, the Faculty of Education of SWU held the 5th Academic Forum for international students at room 504 of Tian Jiabing Building, January 11st, 2022. Prof. Luo Shengquan, the Deputy Dean of FoE; Dr. Wang Xue, Director of the English-taught Program; Associate Prof. Hu Yanjuan, Associate Prof. Tang Ying, Associate Prof. Zhong Wanjuan, Dr. Li Xueyin, the Head Teacher of Grade 2019, Dr. Zhou Ling, the Head Teacher of Grade 2018 & 2021, and all international students of FoE on campus joined in the event. Other students who are not in China participated in the forum through the live stream of Dingtalk. The forum was hosted by Director Wang Xue.


Firstly, Prof. Luo Shengquan expressed his warm congratulations on the academic achievements gained by international students, and provided some suggestions that they need to do in the next stage.

Then the presentations of the forum formaly started. The first session included 3 presenters. Sabika Khalid, the first speaker, presented her research “Faculty research productivity at women’s universities through the lens of preference theory”. Michael Agyemang Adarkwah, the second speaker, talked about “The power of assessment feedback in teaching and learning”. And Khalida Parveen presented on the topic “Impact of principal leadership styles on teacher job performance”.

After the three presentations, professors and students asked questions or made comments on the presentations. Prof. Hu Yanjuan advised Khalida Parveen to use better statistical analysis in next article. And Prof. Tang Ying suggested all students be careful about the specific format requirements of the journals which they submit papers to.

In the second session, Gift Muyunda, Endale Tadesse and Yohana Kifle Mekonen presented their researches respectively. GIft Muyunda’s title is about the epistemological beliefs and bonceptions about language teaching and learning of the non-native learners and teachers of Mandarin Chinese in Zambia. Endale Tadesse presented on the topic about “Are teachers and HE on the same page? Calling for a research-teaching nexus among Ethiopian and Pakistani academics”. Yohana Kifle Mekonen, the last speaker, presented on the topic about the intrinsic, extrinsic, or altruistic motivation of volunteers, who are postgraduate international students in China in the COVID-19 pandemic era.

In the Question & Answer part, professors praised the achievement of these students' papers. Yohana was suggested to modify the simple random sampling in her study as it is qualitative design. For Michael’s presentation, there was a warm discussion on the analysis methods of literature.


Students gained wonderful experience and constructive feedback from all senior students and honorable teachers. They were really thankful for the Faculty of Education to arrange this activity. Learning is a gradual process; it requires the sharing of learning experience and results, and also interaction between teachers and students, which guide students go through the whole process. This is the purpose of this academic forum.With hard work and resilience, success is assured.


初审:王 雪



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