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发布时间:2022-01-13 11:29作者:本站编辑来源:本站原创 浏览次数:
Academic Salon for International Students of Class 2021
held by Faculty of Education
On January 10, 2022, the Faculty of Education held an academic salon which all international students of class 2021 attended. Three students on campus attended this salon in person, and other students outside of China attended it online. Head teacher Jolene hosted this salon. Professor Yao Jiali and Associate Professor Francis Stonier attended the salon to provide comments and suggestions to the presenters. Four first-year PhD students presented in this session: Muhammad Arif, Emeka Augustine Echendu, Yaone Duduetsang Matsagopane, and Hoai Thu Vu.
BET体育365投注官网于2022年1 月10日举办了2021级留学生学术沙龙,全英文一年级留学生通过现场和钉钉线上同步参与沙龙活动。本次活动由2021级留学生班主任周玲老师主持,并邀请了学部么加利教授和Francis Stonier副教授担任指导嘉宾。四位博士生同学Muhammad Arif、Augustine Echendu、Yaone Duduetsang Matsagopane和Hoai Thu Vu分别就自己的学术感悟在线下、线上进行了分享,同学们通过现场和钉钉线上参与讨论。
Agenda of the Salon
The agenda of this salon was to evaluate students’ understanding of Educational Leadership and Management major, student progress in the first semester and their future study plans. The following questions were shared with students to guide their presentations:
What is the understanding of my doctoral or master's major?
What is the current status of this academic field in my country?
What are my research interests?
What are my learning gains and progress this semester?
What is my future study plan?
Summary of Presentations and Teachers' Suggestions for Presenters.
Muhammad Arif was the first presenter. Associate Professor Francis Stonier suggested that he consider the topic of Out of School Children in Pakistan and discuss this topic with his supervisor for his future study plan. At the same time, Professor Yao Jiali suggested that he understand the Chinese culture and make Chinese friends to deepen his understanding.
Emeka Augustine Echendu from Nigeria presented his future study plan on the Usage of Assistive Technology in Special Education in Nigeria. Professor Yao Jiali suggested he narrow down this topic, and Associate Professor Francis Stonier suggested he make this topic clearer for better understanding.
After a short break, Yaone Duduetsang Matsagopane from Botswana shared her understating of her major and her goals for future study. She was considering the topic on Teacher Leadership in Botswana for future study. Professor Yao Jiali appreciated her for her clear understanding of the topic.
Hoai Thu Vu was the last presenter of the day. She presented her ideas online. The professors provided suggestions to further improve her plans.
In addition to getting the guidance from the professors, online and offline students also had in-depth discussions and exchanges. For the students of class 2021, this salon is not only a good summary of their learning achievements, but also a good start for their future study and life.
供稿: Muhammad Arif;郝祥娟
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The Faculty of Education , Southwest University