发布时间:2019-06-06 15:48作者:来源: 浏览次数:
长期从事应用跨学科进行教育技术学创新研究和应用实践,探索人工智能技术与学习科学理论相结合来支持个性化学习和规模化教学服务。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目,教育部科研启动资金项目、重庆市社会科学规划项目等10余项;主研完成澳大利亚科学理事会探索项目(ARC)、教育部项目(OLT)、研究合作中心项目(CRC)以及谷歌全球科研项目等5项;已发表论文40余篇,其中SSCI论文20余篇,SCI论文10余篇,CSSCI论文3篇,其中中科院一区期刊论文5篇,包括Internet and Higher Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Pattern Recognition,Information Sciences,其中智慧教育国际顶级会议论文10余篇,包括AIED2019, ITS2013, LaK20, ICALT14,GCCCE2018;担任Applied Science国际SCI期刊的客座主编,任多个人工智能与教育国际会议研讨会主席和委员等职务(如LAK2019、ALASI2018、BESC2019、EDM2012等)。
2009/03 - 2012/11,澳大利亚悉尼大学,人工智能与教育博士学位
2005/09 - 2006/08,澳大利亚塔斯玛利亚大学,信息技术专业硕士学位
2001/03 - 2005/08,澳大利亚塔斯玛利亚大学,计算机科学专业学士学位
2020/10 - 至今,bet体育365官网正规,教育技术学院,教授
2019/03 - 2020/10,悉尼科技大学,智慧教育链接中心,博士后
2015/07 - 2020/09,bet体育365官网正规,计算机与信息科学学院,副教授
2014/04 - 2015/06,bet体育365官网正规,计算机与信息科学学院,讲师
2013/02 - 2014/03,悉尼大学,电子与信息工程学院,博士后
a.Liu, M., Buckingham Shum, S., Mantzourani, E.,Lucas, C. (2019).Evaluating Machine Learning Approaches to Classify Pharmacy Students’ Reflective Statements, 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, June 25th – 29th 2019, Chicago, USA(EI会议)
b.Liu, M., Calvo, R., Pardo, A., & Martin, A. (2015). Measuring and visualizing students’ behavioral engagement in writing activities.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies,8(2), 215-224.(中科院二区)
c.Liu, L., Wang, S.,Su, G.X.,Huang, Z.G., Liu, M., Towards complex activity recognition using a Bayesian network-based probabilistic generative framework, Pattern Recognition, 68:295–309, 2017(中科院一区)
a.Liu,M., Kitto, K. & Buckingham Shum, S.,(2021) Combining factor analysis with writing analytics for the formative assessment of written reflection, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 120,1033(中科院一区)
b.Kitto, K, Sarathy, N,Gromov, A,Liu, M,Musial, K &Shum, SB2020, 'Towards skills-based curriculum analytics: Can we automate the recognition of prior learning?',ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 171-180.(EI会议)
b.Liu, M., Liu, L., & Liu, L. (2018). Group awareness increases student engagement in online collaborative writing.Internet & Higher Education, 38,1-8.(中科院一区)
c.刘明,韩梦莹,李月,胜楚倩.实时协同写作环境对学习专注度、成绩的影响[J],现代教育技术,2018(7):38~43. (CSSCI)
d.Liu, M., Li, Y., Xu, W. & Liu. L (2017). Automated Essay Feedback Generation and Its Impact in the Revision.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10(4), 502-513(中科院二区)
1.主持国家自然科学基金面上项目“面向小学阅读理解提问教学的深度神经网络智能提问方法与应用研究”, 61977054, 2020.01-2023.12
3.主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于学习排序模型的中文智能提问方法研究”, 61502397 2016.01-2018.12(已结题)
Curriculum Vitae
Ming Liu
Professor, PhD supervisor
School of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Southwest University
Chongqing, China
Dr. Ming Liu’s research lies in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Education, particularly in computer assisted writing support, question generation and learning analytics. Prior to this position, he was research fellow at connected intelligence centre, UTS in Australia. He served as principle investigator of research projects funded by Chinese government and industry. In addition, he participated several projects funded by the ARC Discovery Project, Young and Well CRC and Google Research Project in Australia. He is author of over 20 peer reviewed papers published inIEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Internet and Higher Education, Journal of Educational Technology & Society and Intelligent Tutoring System.
PhD in Artificial Intelligence in Education, Grad: 2013. The University of Sydney
Master in Information Technologies, Grad: 2006. University of Tasmania
Bachelor of Computing, Grad: 2005. University of Tasmania
Academic Working Experience
2020/10 - Present, Professor in Learning Analytics, School of Educational Technology, Southwest University, China.
2018/07 - 2020/09,Research Fellow of Text Analytics, Connected Intelligence Centre, University of Technology, Sydney.
2015/07 - 2018/07, Associate Professor of Computer Science, School of Educational Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing.
2014/04 - 2015/06, Lecturer, School of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University, Chongqing.
2013/02 - 2014/03,Postdoctorial Research Fellow, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, The University of Sydney.
2020 Autumn, 92573: Data Science in Health Care, Undergraduate, Faculty of Health, University of Technology, Sydney.
2019 Spring 94669: Data-driven Design Challenges (Introduction to SQL), Undergraduate, Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation, University of Technology, Sydney.
2019 Spring 36102 iLab 1/iLab 2:Mentoring Investiable and TfNSW data science projects, postgraduate, Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation, University of Technology, Sydney.
2018/2016/2015:System Analysis and Design,Undergraduate,Southwest University
2018/2017:Educational Data Analysis, Undergraduate, Southwest University
2018/2017:Aritifical Intelligence in Eduction,Undergraduate, Southwest University
2018/2017/2015/2014:Advanced Web Development and Frameworks, Undergraduate, Southwest University
2017/2016/2014:Intelligent Tutoring System, Postgrduate, Southwest University
2016:Educational Information System Design and Development,Undergraduate, Southwest University
2015:Introduction to J2EE Development, Undergraduate, Southwest University
2014: Data Mining,Undergraduate, Southwest University
2013: Model-based Software Engineering, Undergraduate, The Univeristy of Sydney
2013: Object-oriented Application Framework, Undergraduate, The Univeristy of Sydney
(1)National Natural Science Foundation project of China, 2017-2020, “Using Learning to Rank for Chinese Question Generation”, CI: Ming Liu, No.61502397, 260k RMB.
(2)Scientific Research Foundation project for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry, 2014-2017, “Automatic Chinese Question Generation”, CI: Ming Liu,the 50th grants, 50k RMB.
(3)Chongqing Social Science Planning Fund Program, 2014-2016, “Automatic Essay Feedback Generation for Chinese College Students”, CI: Ming Liu,No. 2014BS123, 100k RMB.
(4)Southwest University Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2017-2018, “Deep Learning in Question Generation”, CI: Ming Liu, No. XDJK2017C024, 100k RMB.
Conference Chairing and Invited Talks
Chairing Workshops
(1)Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2019 The Fifth Writing Analytics Workshop: Linking Reflective Writing Analytics to Learning Design , Wollongong University, Australia, 28-29 Nov 2019.
(2)The 9thinternational Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference Workshop on Advances in Writing Analytics: Mapping the state of the field.
(3)Australian Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2018 Workshop on From features to feedback: Design automated feedback for student writing, Monash University, Australia, 23-24 Nov 2018.
Invited Talks
(1)2019 Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Forum for International Young Scholars. Human-Centred Learning Analytics, 21 December,https://rsgyy.bnu.edu.cn/xwtg/xwdt/86498.html
(2)2019 UTS Teaching and Learning Forum, AcaWriter: Computer assisted reflective writing tool - Examples from learning contexts, 12 November.Https://lx.uts.edu.au/events/2019-uts-teaching-and-learning-forum/
(3)2018 UTS LX Lab, Hands-on AcaWriter: Developing students’ reflective writing with automated feedback, 26 November.Https://lx.uts.edu.au/events/hands-acawriter-developing-students-reflective-writing-automated-feedback/
Selected Publications
1)Liu,M., Kitto, K. & Buckingham Shum, S.,(2021) Combining factor analysis with writing analytics for the formative assessment of written reflection, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 120,106733,
2)Kitto, K, Sarathy, N, Gromov, A, Liu, M, Musial, K & Shum, SB 2020, 'Towards Skills-based Curriculum Analytics: Can we automate the recognition of prior learning?', LAK20: The Tenth International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, ACM, pp. 171-180.
3)Knight, S, Shibani, A, Abel, S, Gibson, A, Ryan, P, Sutton, N, Wight, R, Lucas, C, Sándor, Á, Kitto, K,Liu, M, Mogarkar, RV & Buckingham Shum, SB 2020, 'AcaWriter A learning analytics tool for formative feedback on academic writing', Journal of Writing Research, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 141-186 (SSCI)
4)Liu, M., Buckingham Shum, S., Mantzourani, E.,Lucas, C. (2019).Evaluating Machine Learning Approaches to Classify Pharmacy Students’ Reflective Statements, 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, June 25th – 29th 2019, Chicago, USA
5)Liu, M., Liu, L., & Liu, L. (2018). Group awareness increases student engagement in online collaborative writing.Internet & Higher Education, 38,1-8.
6)Liu, M., Li, Y., Xu, W. & Liu. L (2017). Automated Essay Feedback Generation and Its Impact in the Revision.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10(4), 502-513
7)Liu, M., Rus, V., & Liu, L. (2017). Automatic Chinese factual question generation.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 10(2), 194-204.
8)Liu, M., Pardo, A.,& Liu, L. (2017). Using Learning Analytics to Support Engagement in Collaborative Writing,International Journal of Distance Education Technologies,15(4), 79-98.
9)Liu, M., Calvo, R., Pardo, A., & Martin, A. (2015). Measuring and visualizing students’ behavioral engagement in writing activities.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies,8(2), 215-224.
10)Liu, M., Calvo, R. A., & Rus, V. (2014). Automatic generation and ranking of questions for critical review.Journal of Educational Technology & Society,17(2), 333-346.
11)Liu, M., Calvo, R. A., Aditomo, A.(2012). Using Wikipedia and conceptual graph structures to generate questions for academic writing support.IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies,5(3), 251-263.
12)Liu, M., Calvo, R & Rus, V. (2012). Using information extraction to generate trigger questions for academic writing support,11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Crete, Greece, pp.360-369,
13)Liu, M. and Calvo, R. Question Taxonomy and Implications for Automatic Question Generation, (2011), 15th international conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, Auckland, New Zealand, pp.504-506.
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The Faculty of Education , Southwest University