
发布时间:2022-03-04 16:25作者:来源: 浏览次数:









[1].Zhang, X. F., Tan, H. Y.,Yin, C. X.*, and Shi, D. Y.. “Does an image facilitate the sharing of negative news on social media? An experimental investigation”, Library and Information Science Research, 2021, 43(4). (SSCI, Q2)

[2].Yin, C.X.,andZhang X. F.*. “Incorporating message format into user evaluation of microblog information credibility: An nonlinear perspective”, Information Processing and Management,2020, 57(6). (SSCI, Q1)

[3].陈楷,尹春晓*.影响网络不实信息可信性的关键认知启发识别及分类研究——基于扎根理论[J].《图书情报工作》,2020,64(13): 100-110.(CSSCI)

[4].Yin, C.X., Zhang X. F.*, and Liu, L. B.. “Reposting Negative Information on Microblogs: Do Personality Traits Matter?”, Information Processing and Management, 2020, 57(1), 102106. (SSCI, Q1)

[5].Xiaofei Zhang,Chunxiao Yin, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai, Joseph Valacich. The role of decision rationality on users’ attitudes toward utilitarian mobile service usage. Communications of the AIS (EI), 2020, 46(10), 230-251. (EI)

[6].Yang, J. B.andYin C. X.*.“Exploring Boundary Conditions of the Impact of Accessibility to Mobile Networks on Employees’ Perceptions of Presenteeism: From both Individual and Social Perspectives”, Information Systems Frontiers (SCI), 2020, 22, 881-895.(SCI, Q4)

[7].Yin C. X.,Liu, L. B.*, andMirkovski, K.. “Does More Crowd Participation Bring More Value to Crowdfunding Projects? The Perspective of Crowd Capital”, Internet Research, 2019, 29(5), 1149-1170.(SSCI, Q1)

[8].Yin, C. X.*, Sun, Y. Q., Fang, Y. L., and Lim, K.. “Exploring the Dual-Role of Cognitive Heuristics and the Moderating Effect of Gender in Microblog Information Credibility Evaluation”, Information Technology & People(SSCI), 2018, 31(3): 741-769.(SSCI, Q3)

[9].尹春晓*,杨金璧.社会化电商中卖家与非卖家信息分享行为差异研究[J].《管理科学》,2018,31(5): 74-83。(CSSCI)

[10].Mirkovski, K.,Yin, C. X.*, Liu, L. B., and Yang, J. B.. “Exploring the Contingent Effect of Community Equity on Users' Intention to Share Information”, Information Systems Frontiers (SCI), 2019, 21(4): 845-860.(SCI, Q4)

[11].Xiaofei Zhang, Xitong Guo, Kee-hung Lai,Chunxiao Yin, Fanbo Meng. From Offline Healthcare to Online Healthcare Service: The Role of Offline Healthcare Satisfaction and Habit. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2016, 18(2): 138-154.(SSCI, Q4)

[12].Sun, Y.Q., Wang, N.,Yin, C. X., and Zhang, X., “Understanding the relationships between motivators and effort in crowdsourcing marketplaces: A nonlinear analysis”, International Journal of Information Management(SSCI), 2015, 35(3).(SSCI, Q1)


[1].国家自然科学青年基金,“网络不实信息可信性探索:认知启发双重影响机制及其边界条件研究”(grant number 71701169),2018-2020,19.9万元,主持,已结题。






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