王牧华-2019-留学生品牌课-教育政策 主讲教师
发布时间:2019-03-27 17:59作者:来源: 浏览次数:
Personal Information
Name:Muhua(Mike) Wang
Address:Faculty of Education, Southwest University
Beibei, Chongqing, P.R.China,400715.
Research Biography
My scholarship has focused on studies of curriculum philosophy and curriculum reform in elementary education. I have worked on the ecologism curriculum theory for many years, with the effort to establish another curriculum research approach.
More recently, my work has turned toward the construction of ecological classroom and the environment education to the public. My research will examine the relation between the classroom environment and the behavior of teacher and students, and the relation between the public awareness of the environment and the grass-rooted culture of local area.
I teach courses in curriculum theory, educational policy, higher education, and the technology and art in classroom teaching.
Education Background And Degrees
·Freeman Fellow of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,USA. 2008.7—2009.6
·Bilingual education study at Northeast Wales Institute of Higher Education,UK. 2005.9-2005.12
·Ph.D., Education, Southwest Normal University of China, 2001.9-2004.7.
·M.A., Education, Southwest Normal University of China, 1998.9-2001.7.
·B.A., Education, Qufu Normal University of Shandong Province, 1994.9-1998.7.
Work Experience
·Associate Dean, Faculty of Education, Southwest University, 2011.12—
·Assistant Dean, Faculty of Education, Southwest University, 2011.9—2011.12.
·Deputy Director, Research Institute of Education Science, Southwest University , 2008.10—2011.12
Key Professional Appointments
·Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, Southwest University,2016
·Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, Southwest University, 2006.
·Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction, Southwest Normal University, 2004.
·Lecturer, Curriculum and Instruction, Southwest Normal University of China, 2003.
·Assistant, Curriculum and Instruction, Southwest Normal University of China, 2002.
Activities and Honors
·Member of the curriculum professional committee of the pedagogy sub-commission of China society of education, 2006-Present.
·Chairman of the curriculum and instruction committee of the pedagogy sub-commission of Chongqing society of education, 2017-Present.
·Member of elementary education committee of the pedagogy sub-commission of Chongqing society of education, 2004-Present.
Dr. Yanjuan Hu CV
Office:Tianjiabing #225, Faculty of Education, Southwest University
Oct. 2010-June 2014PhD, “The role of research in university teaching: A comparison of Chinese and Dutch teachers”, Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (ICLON)
2007-2010MA, Applied Linguistics, Chongqng University
2003-2007BA, English, Chongqing University
2005-2007Bachelor of Business Administration (second major), Chongqing University
July 2017-presentAssociate professor,Faculty of Education, Southwest University (China)
Sept.2016- Sept.2018Postdoc Researcher,Teacher Education Department, Univeristy of Groinngen
Jan. 2015-June 2017Lecturer,Faculty of Education, Southwest University (China)
2016 Principal investigator, Ministry of Education of China Funds for Young Scholars of China:Unpacking the hidden cultural values of Chinese education in the globalization process of higher education(translated from Chinese), grant number [16XJC880002]
2015 Principal investigator, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities:Approaches to integrating research into undergraduate teaching in Chinese universities(translated from Chinese), grant number [SWU1509505]
Invited presentation
June 21,2018.Intercultural myth-understandings between Chinese international doctoral students and the supervisors in Dutch universities.Language and Culture Policy Best Practices meeting, Groningen, The Netherlands
Selected publications
Hu, Y., van der Rijst, R. M., van Veen, K., & Verloop, N. (2014).‘And never the two shall meet’? Comparing Chinese and Dutch university teachers about the role of research in teaching.Higher Education, 68(4), 607-622.doi: 10.1007/s10734-014-9734-0.
Hu, Y., van der Rijst, R. M., van Veen, K., & Verloop, N. (2015).The role of research in teaching: A comparison of teachers from research universities and those from universities of applied sciences.Higher Education Policy, 28, 535-554. doi:10.1057/hep.2014.19.
Hu, Y., van der Rijst, R. M., van Veen, K., & Verloop, N. (2016). The purposes and processes of master's thesis supervision: a comparison of Chinese and Dutch supervisors.Higher Education Research & Development,35(5), 910-924.doi: 10.1080/07294360.2016.1139550
Hu, Y., van Veen, K., & Corda, A. (2016). Pushing too little, praising too much? Intercultural misunderstandings between a Chinese doctoral student and a Dutch supervisor.Studying Teacher Education,12(1), 70-87. doi: 10.1080/17425964.2015.1111204
Hu, Y., van der Rijst, R. M., van Veen, K., & Verloop, N. (2018 online).Integrating research into language teaching: Beliefs and perceptions of university teachers.Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
Selected symposia and paper presentations
Hu, Y., van der Rijst, R. M., van Veen, K., & Verloop, N. (2012, December).Chinese and Dutch university teachers’ beliefs about the role of research in their teaching.Paper presented at the Newer Researchers Conference of Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), New port, UK.
Hu, Y., van der Rijst, R. M., van Veen, K., & Verloop, N. (2013, August).How research and teaching are related in master thesis supervision? Comparing Chinese and Dutch supervisors.Paper presented at the Junior Researchers (JURE) pre-conference, Munich, Germany.
Hu, Y., van der Rijst, R. M., van Veen, K., & Verloop, N. (2014, April).Asian and Western university teachers’ beliefs about the role of research in teaching. In M. Mulder & A. Kezar (Chairs),Barriers and facilitators of integrating research in higher education. Invited symposium conducted at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, USA.
Hu, Y., van Veen, K., & Corda, A. (2015, September).The transition to independent research: Intercultural misunderstandings between a Chinese doctoral student and a Dutch supervisor. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Budapest, Hungary.
Hu, Y., Deinum, J., & van Veen, K. (2017, August).What influences teacher learning during systematic classroom observation and post-observation discussion? The perceptions and experiences of PD coaches.Paper presented at the EuropeanConference on Educational Research 2017 (ECER), Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hu, Y., & van Veen, K. (2018, March).Intercultural myth-understandings between Chinese international doctoral students and the supervisors in Dutch universities.Paper presented at the 62ndComparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Mexico City, Mexico.
Other academic activities
I am also involved in a number of additional academic activities such as reviewing papers forEducational Research Review, 2018; Studies in Higher Education, 2018; The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 2013;andreviewer fortheEuropean Conference on Educational Research(Network:Research in Higher Education) 2015, 2016, 2017; chairing paper sessionsatthe Junior Researchers conference of the 2013 EARLI conference.
Profile Dr. Wanjuan ZHONG
Associate Professor
Faculty of Education, Southwest University
Educational Economy and Administration
Room 214, Tian Jiabing Building, Southwest University
PhD in Educational Administration (Queensland University of Technology, Australia),
ME in Education (Beijing Normal University, P.R.China),
BA in English Teaching (Guizhou Normal University, P.R.China)
Professional memberships and associations
Member of the Educational Administrative Branch of Chinese Association of Education
Vice President of Chongqing Professional Committee on Education Management
Research Interests
Teachers professional development,female school leadership, data-driven educational leaderships
Research Projects
“A Study on Educational Administration Program for Graduates”, funded by Southwest University in P.R.China ,(Start year: 2016)
“English Taught Program: Educational Leadership and Management”, funded by Chongqing Education Commission, P.R.China (Start year: 2017)
Undergraduate level:
Educational Administration (in Chinese)
Qualitative Research Methods (in English)
Graduate level:
Educational Administration (in Chinese)
Educational Leadership (in English)
Doctoral level:
Educational Leadership and Management (in English)
Key Issues in Educational Leadership (in Chinese)
Selected Publications
Zhong, W. (2018) The Improvement of Teachers Salary in Rural Schools in China through Institutional Innovation,Education& Economy.
Zhong, W& Hou, H. (2017)The Improvement and Realization of Teacher’s Teaching Decision-making with the Support of Big Data in Education,Journal of Educational Science of Hunang Normal University.
Zhong, W& Hou, H. (2016) The Improvement and Realization of Teacher’s Teaching Decision-making with the Support of Big Data in Education,Exploring Education Development, 36(3), pp.8-14.
Zhong, W& Ehrich, L (2010) An exploration of leadership used by two female principals in Mainland China.Journal of Educational Administration,28 (2), pp.241-260.
Zhong, W. (2009) Female principals in primary and secondary schools in contemporary Chinese society. In Beaty, D.M et.al (Eds.),Women as school executives: Celebrating diversity. Texas: The Texas Council of Women School Executives.
Dr. Xiantong Zhao
2012-2017PhD, Education, Institution of Education UCL
2010-2011MA, Education, University of Edinburgh
2006-2009MA, Higher Education, Beijing Normal University
2002-2006BA, Education, Capital Normal University
Work Experience
September. 2017-Lecturer,Faculty of Education, Southwest University (China)
Invited presentation
1.Association for Research into Education of China (AREC) Annual Conference, 2013.6.20. Policy Change and Private Education Development in China: A Case Study. London: Institute of Education.
2.Learning in a Changing World Conference. 2014.11.21-22. London: Institute of Education. Undergraduates’ Conceptions of Learning in an International Economics & Trade (IET) Programme in a Chinese University: A Phenomenographic Approach
Selected publications
Zhao, X. Policy change and private higher education development: A case study [J]. Research in Comparative and International Education, 2014, 9, 2, 149-164.
Zhao, X. Undergraduates’ Conceptions of Learning in an International Economics and Trade Program [J]. International Journal of Learning and Development, 2015, 5, 2, 32-47.
Zhao, X. Chinese Undergraduates’ Conceptions of Learning in Higher Education: A Phenomenographic Perspective [J]. International Research in Education, 2015, 3, 2, 40-59.
Zhao, X. Overseas Postgraduates’ Experience of Learning: A Phenomenographic Study [J]. Journal of Education and Training, 2015, 2, 2, 82-95.
Other academic activities
I am also an anonymous reviewer forFrontiers of Education in China.
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The Faculty of Education , Southwest University