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主题“Foundations of Qualitative Research for Education”的补充阅读材料:
Berg,B. (1998).Qualitative research methods forthe social science.Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Bogdan, R. C. & Biklen, S. K. (1982).Qualitative research for education.Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
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Taylor, S. J. & Bogdan, R. (1984).Introductionto qualitative research methods. (2ndedition). New York: Wiley.
主题“Research Design”的补充阅读材料:
Barusch, A.,Gringeri, C.&George, M. (2011).Rigor inqualitativesocialworkresearch: Areview ofstrategiesused inpublishedarticles.Social Work Research, 35(1),11-19.
Cole, A. L. & Knowles, J. G. (2001).Lives in context: The art of life history research. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
Creswell, J.W. (1994).Research design: Qualitative & quantitative approaches. Newbury Park: Sage.
Friedrichs, J. & Ludtke, H. (1974).Participant observation: Theory and practice. Westmead, UK: Saxon House.
Gubrium, J.F. & Holstein, J.A. (2001).Handbook of interview research: Context and methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hall, J.N.&Ryan, K.E.(2011).Educational accountability: A qualitatively driven mixed-methods approach.Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (1), 105-115.
Heshusius, L. (1994).Freeing ourselves from objectivity: Managing subjectivity or turning toward a participatory mode of consciousness.Education Researcher,23(3). 15-22
Kalinowski, P.,Lai, J.,Fidler, F.&Cumming, G.(2010).Qualitative research:Anessentialpart ofstatisticalcognitionresearch.Statistics Education Research Journal, 9(2), 22-34.
King, T. (2003).The truth about stories: Anative narrative. Toronto, ON: House of Anansi Press.
Koro-Ljungberg, M. (2010).Validity,responsibility, andaporia.Qualitative Inquiry,16(8),603-610.
Lawrence-Lightfoot, S. &Davis, J. H. (1997).The art and science of portraiture. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, Ch. 3.
Light, R. J., Singer, J. D., & Willett, J. B. (1990).By design:Planning research on higher education. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Marshall,C. &Rossman,G.B.(1995).Designingqualitativeresearch(2ndedition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Maxwell, J.A. (2010).Usingnumbers inqualitativeresearch.Qualitative Inquiry,16(6),475-482.
Maxwell, J. (1996).Qualitative research design:An interactive approach. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Merriam, S. B. (1988).Case study research in education:A qualitative approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Ch. 5.
Paulus, T.M.,Woodside, M.&Ziegler, M.F.(2010)."Itellyou,it's ajourney,isn'tit?" Understandingcollaborativemeaningmaking inqualitativeresearch.Qualitative Inquiry,16(10),852-862.
Robert Adcock and David Collier. (2001).Measurementvalidity: Asharedstandard forqualitative andquantitativeresearch.American Political Science Review,95 (September 2001), 529-546.
Sieder, S.D. (1973).The integration offieldwork and survey methods.American Journal of Sociology, 73, 1335-1359.
Sparkes, A. (1994).Life histories and the issue of voice: Reflections on an emerging relationship.Qualitative Studies in Education,7(2), 165-183.
Burgess, R. G. (1989).Grey areas: Ethical dilemmas in educational ethnography. In R. G. Burgess (Ed.).The ethics of educational research.Barcombe, Lewes, East Sussex: Falmer Press.
Denzin, N.K. (1970).Theresearchact.Chicago: Aldine.
Denzin,N.K. (1978).Theresearchact: Atheoreticalintroduction tosociologicalmethods(2ndedition).New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kvale, S. (1996).Ethical issues in interview inquires. InterViews.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Ch. 6.
Li, L. & Conle, C. (2006c).Doing narrative inquiry in a remote Chinese village. Paper presented atthe 2006 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, in Toronto, Canada.
Li, L. (2006d).Constructing professional identity through narrative inquiry into educational experiences of four generations of women in my family. Paper presentedat The 2006 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, in Toronto, Canada.
Morgan, D. L. (2001).Focus group interviewing. In J. F. Gubrium & J. A. Holstein (Eds.)Handbook of interview research: Context and methods.Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Naroll, R.& Cohen, R. (1974).Ahandbook ofmethod inculturalanthropology.New York: Columbia University Press.
Phtiaka, H. (1994).What’s in it for us?Qualitative Studies in Education,7(2), 155-164.
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Wax, R. H. (1971).Doingfieldwork:Warnings andadvice.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Wolcott, H.(1995).Theart offieldwork.Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
Yin, R.K. (1994).Casestudyresearch:Design andmethods(2ndedition).Thousand Oaks: Sage.
主题“Qualitative Data”的补充阅读材料:
Chenail, R.J.(2011).Learning toappraise thequality ofqualitativeresearcharticles:Acontextualizedlearningobject forconstructingknowledge.Nova Southeastern University.
Ellis,C. & Flaherty,M.G. (1992).Investigatingsubjectivity:Research onlivedexperience.Newbury Park: Sage.
Ely, M., Anzul, M., Friedman, T., Garner, D. and McCormack Steinmetz, A. (1991).Doingqualitativeresearch:Circles withincircles.London: The Falmer Press.
Erickson, F. & Wilson, J. (1982).Sights andsounds oflife inschools:Aresourceguide tofilm andvideotape ofresearch andeducation.East Lansing, MI. Institute for Research on Teaching, College of Education.
Fraker, C.A.&Greenberg, D. (2011).Opportunity NYC--Family Rewards:Qualitative Study of Family Communication.Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness.
George,A.L. & Bennet. (2004).Carryingout thecasestudies.InCase Studies and Theory Development.MIT Press.
George,A.L. & Bennet,A. (2004).Casestudies andtheorydevelopment.Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Li, L. (under review).Carving beautiful lives: Shaping folk arts in the Yangtze’s Three Gorges.International Journal of Education and the Arts.
Li, L. & Niyozov, S. (2008).Negotiating teacher's professional identity in a changing Chinese society.Education and Society,26 (2), 69-84.
Merriam, S.B. (1991).Casestudyresearch ineducation: Aqualitativeapproach.San Francisco: Josssey-Bass.
Morgan, D. (1988).Focusgroups asqualitativeresearch. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Plummer, K. (2001).Documents of life:An invitation to a critical humanism. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Ch 8.
Rathburn,B. (2008).Interviewing andqualitativefieldmethods: Pragmatism andpracticalities.InBox-Steffensmeier,J.M.,Brady,H.E.&Collier,D. (Eds.).The Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology.Oxford University Press.
Soss,J. (2006).Talkingourway tomeaningfulexplanations: Apractice-centeredview ofinterviewing.InYanow, D. &Schwartz-Shea, P. (Eds.).Interpretation andmethod.M.E.Sharpe.
Wolcott,H.F.(1994).Transformingqualitativedata.Thousand Oak, CA: Sage.
主题“Data Analysis and Interpretation”的补充阅读材料:
Chenail, J.S.&Chenail, R.J.(2011).Communicatingqualitativeanalyticalresultsfollowing Grice'sconversationalmaxims.Nova Southeastern University.
Chenail, R.J.,Cooper, R. &Desir, C.(2010).Strategicallyreviewing theresearchliterature inqualitativeresearch.Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research,4(2),88-94.
Chenail, R.J.(2010).Gettingspecific aboutqualitativeresearchgeneralizability.Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research,5(1),1-11.
Cole, A. L. & Mclntyre, M. (2004).Research as aesthetic contemplation: The role of the audience in research interpretation.EducationalInsights,9(1),http://www.ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights/v0901/articles/cole.html.
Crane, B. (2010).Usingqualitativedata torefine alogicmodel for the Cornellfamilydevelopmentcredentialprogram.Qualitative Report,15(4),899-931.
Czymoniewicz-Klippel, M.T.,Brijnath, B. &Crockett, B. (2010). Ethics and thepromotion ofinclusiveness withinqualitativeresearch: Caseexamples from Asia and the Pacific.Qualitative Inquiry.16(5),332-341.
Denzin, N. K. (1997).Interpretive ethnography: Ethnographic practices for the 21st Century. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Ch. 8.
Eisner,E. & Peshikin,A. (1990).Qualitativeinquiry ineducation: Thecontinuingdebate. New York: Teachers College Press.
Feuerverger, G.(2004).Building Bridges of Peace in a Jewish-Palestinian Village in Israel: A Role Model for Social Justice and Citizenship Education.Encounters on Education, Vol. 9, 127-144.
Filstead, W. J. (1970).Qualitativemethodology.Chicago: Markham.
Glaser,B. (1987).Qualitativeanalysis forsocialscientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Marcus, G.E.&Fischer, M.M.J. (1986).Anthropology asculturalcritique: Anexperimentalmoment in thehumansciences.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Miles.M.B.&Huberman.A.M. (1994).Qualitativedataanalysis(2ndedition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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Strauss, A.(1987).Qualitative analysis forsocialscientists.New York: Cambridge University Press.
Tesch, R. (1990).Qualitativeresearch:Analysistypes &softwaretools. New York: The Falmer Press.
Tsakonas,Giannis.& Thanakos,C. (2007).Evaluation ofdigitallibraries.London: Blackwell
Wolcott, H. F. (1994).Transforming qualitative data:Description, analysis, and interpretation. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
主题“Writing It Up”的补充阅读材料:
Denzin.N.K. & Giardino,M. (2006).Qualitative inquiry and the conservative challenge, pp. 193-214.Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Hewett, H. (2004). In search of an “I”: Embodied voice and the personal essay.Women’s Studies,33, 719-741.
Lincoln, Y.S. (2010).What a long, strange trip it's been,twenty-five years of qualitative and new paradigm research.Qualitative Inquiry,16(1), 3-9.
Locke.L.F.,Spirduso.W.W.& Silverman.S.J. (1993).Proposals thatwork.Newbury Park, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications, pp. 66-95, 119-129.
Pelto, P.J.&Pelto,G.H. (1978).Anthropologicalresearch:Thestructure ofinquiry.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Richardson, L. (2000). Writing: A method of inquiry.In N. K.Denzin, & Y. S. Lincoln.(Eds.)Handbook of qualitative research(2ndedition).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Sanjek, R. (1990).Fieldnotes:Themakings of ananthropology.Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Schensul, J.J. & LeCompte, M. (1999).Ethnographer’stoolkit(7 Volumes).Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.
Schratz, M.(1992).Qualitativevoices ineducationalresearch.London: Falmer Press.
Shaffir, W. B., Stebbins, R. A. &Tureqetz, A. (1979).Fieldworkexperience: Qualitativeapproaches tosocialresearch.New York: St. Martin's Press.
Silbergh,D.M. (2001).Doingdissertations inpolitics:Astudentguide.London: Routledge.
Spindler, G.D. (1982).Doing theethnography ofschooling.New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
VanMaanen, J.(1988).Tales of thefield:Onwritingethnography.Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Weiss, R. (1994).Learning fromstrangers: Theart andmethod ofqualitativeinterviewstudies. New York: The Free Press.
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Winters, C.A.,Cudney, S.&Sullivan, T.(2010). Theevolution of acodingschema in apacedprogram ofresearch.Qualitative Report,15(6),1415-1430.
Wolcott, H.(2001).Writingupqualitativeresearch.Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Woods, P. (1985). New Songs Played Skillfully: Creativity andtechnique inwritingupqualitativeresearch. In R.Burgess.Issues ineducationalresearch. Philadelphia: Palmer Press.
主题“Applied Qualitative Research for Education”的补充阅读材料:
Acker, S. & Feuerverger, G.(2003).Hearing others and seeing ourselves: empathy and emotions in a study of Canadian academics.Journal of Curriculum Theorizing (JCT), Vol. 19, No. 3 (49-64).
Denzin,N.K. & Giardina,M.D. (2007).Ethical futures in qualitative research:Decolonizing the politics of knowledge(pp. 67-83).Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Eisner, E. (1991). Do qualitative case studies have lessons to teach? InThe enlightened eye(pp. 197-212).New York: Macmillan, ChIX.
Eisner.E. W. & Peshkin.A. (1990).Qualitativeinquiry ineducation:Thecontinuingdebate.New York: Columbia University.
Erikson, F. (1986). Qualitative methods in research on teaching. In M. C.Wittrock Handbookof research on teaching. New York: Macmillan.
Everhart, R. (1985a). Review oftheegalitarianideal and the Americanhighschool.Anthropology and Educational Quarterly,16, 73-77.
Fetterman, D. M. (1982). Ethnography in education research: The dynamics of diffusion.Educational Researcher,March, 17-29.
Feuerverger, G.(2007).Teaching, Learning and Other Miracles. Rotterdam: SensePublishers.
Feuerverger, G.(2008).Chap8. Jewish-Canadian Identity and Hebrew Language Learning in Montreal and Toronto: Belonging (or Not Belonging) in Diaspora. In Zajda, J., Daun, H., and Saha, L. (eds.)Nation-Building, Identity and Citizenship Education: Cross-Cultural Perspectives(Vol.3).Springer Publishers (p. 117-130)
Gildersleeve, R.E.&Kuntz, A.M.(2011). Adialogue onspace andmethod inqualitativeresearch oneducation.Qualitative Inquiry,17(1),15-22.
Gogolin, L. & Swartz, F. (1992).Aquantitative andqualitativedesign ineducationalresearch. Orlando: Academic Press.
Goussinsky, R.,Reshef, A.andothers.(2011).Teachingqualitativeresearch forhumanservicesstudents:Athree-phasemodel. Nova Southeastern University.
Halquist, D. &Musanti, S.I. (2010). Criticalincidents andreflection: Turningpoints thatchallenge theresearcher andcreateopportunities forknowing.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,23(4),449-461.
Kuntz, A.M. (2010).Representingrepresentation.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,23(4),423-433.
Kvale,S. (1995). The social construction of validity.Qualitative Inquiry.1 (1). 19-40.
Lincoln, Y.S. (2008).For Egon's friends and colleagues.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,21,6
Li, L. (2008).Constructing teacher’s professional identity in China and Canada:Life stories in context.Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
Li, L. & Tian, H. (accepted) No-fee teacher education: A case study of Southwest University.Chinese Education and Society.
Li, L. (under review). Carving beautiful lives: Shaping folk arts in the Yangtze’s Three Gorges.International Journal of Education and the Arts.
Li, L. & Niyozov, S. (2008). Negotiating teacher's professional identity in a changing Chinese society.Education and Society, 26 (2), 69-84.
Li,L. (2006a). Environmental education curriculum in a bilingual (Chinese/English) education school in China.The Social Studies, 97 (4), 145-151.
Li, L. (2006b). A pilot immersion program in a Chinese context. Paper presented atThe 2006 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, in San Francisco, USA.
Li, L. (2006c). Constructing professional identity through narrative inquiry into educational experiences of four generations of women in my family. Paper presented atThe 2006AnnualMeeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, in Toronto, Canada.
Li, L. (2004). Immersion programs in two different contexts.Vision of Education, 5 (4), 43-52.
Mazzei, L.A. (2010). Thinkingdata "with"deleuze.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,23(5),511-523.
McMillan, J. H. & Schumacher, S. (1989).Research ineducation:Aconceptual introduction(2ndedition). Glenview, IL: Scotl, Foresman.
Merriam, S.B.(1998).Qualitativeresearch andcasestudyapplications ineducation. Revised and Expanded from "Case Study Research in Education".Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Mosselson, J. (2010). Subjectivity andreflexivity: Locating theself inresearch ondislocation.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,23(4),479-494.
Neilsen, L. (2002). Learning from the liminal: Fiction as knowledge.Alberta Journal of Educational Research,48(3). 206-214.
Paris, D. (2011). "Afriendwhounderstandfully": Notes onhumanizingresearch in amultiethnicyouthcommunity.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,24(2),137-149.
Peshkin, A. (1993). The goodness of qualitative research.Educational Researcher,22(2), 24-30.
Spindler, G. (1982).Doing the ethnography of schooling: Educational anthropology in action. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Wickens, C.M. (2011). Theinvestigation ofpower inwrittentexts through theuse ofmultipletextualanalyticframes.International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education,24(2),151-164.
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